eBay - United Kingdom


The World's Online Marketplace. eBay is The World's Online Marketplace® with a global customer base of 233 million. Founded by Pierre Omidyar in 1995, eBay has created a powerful marketplace for the sale of goods and services by a passionate community of individuals and small businesses. eBay now has a global presence in 37 markets, including the United States.
On any given day, there are millions of items listed on eBay across thousands of diverse categories, including antiques, toys, books, computers, sports, photography and electronics, amongst many others.

eBay U.K:

Launched in the UK in October 1999, eBay.co.uk is the UK's largest online marketplace.
eBay.co.uk has over 14 million active users.
eBay.co.uk has over 13,000 categories.
eBay uses Paypal for payment,
PayPal is a secure online account that stores and safeguards your bank, credit or debit card details, which allows you to pay or get paid safely and easily without sharing any of your financial information.
Visit eBay for more information.